4yrs 4lbs Lilac, chocolate, & gold Carries Biro gene Produces white & chocolate, white chocolate & gold, & chocolate & gold

4yrs 7lbs White blue and gold biewer Produces chocolate & gold, White black & gold, white chocolate & gold, traditional, gold dust, blue diamond.

5yrs 6lbs Blue diamond chocolate tweed merle Produces chocolate & gold, Traditional, blue merles, chocoberry, biros

7yrs old, 4lbs, Blue steel and tan, Produces traditional, chocolate, golden chocolate.

Prince Henry
5 yrs, 2lbs, Black and Tan, Produces chocolate & gold, chocolate in all 3 colors, carries white black & gold.

1yr, 6lbs, Blue merle, Produce Biewer and several shades of chocolate.

1yr, 6lbs, Blue diamond chocolate tweed merle, Produces biro, gold dust, white black & gold, extreme white biro & biewer, traditional, chocolate & gold.

Little Idsy
4yrs, 7lbs, Golden chocolate merle, Produces chocolate with gold, platinum gold chocolate, biewers, biro, gold dust.

1yr, 4lbs, Blue diamond mulberry merle, Produces blueberry, mulberry, gold dust, chocolate & gold, chocolate merle, biro, biewer, traditional.

Ellie Grace
5yrs, 7lbs, Blue steel and tan, Produces traditional, blue merle.

1yr, 5lbs, Traditional black & gold sable, Produces gold dust, traditional sable, chocolate, black & gold, biewer, biro, white chocolate & gold.

5 years old, 6lbs, Blue diamond chocolate tweed merle.

2yrs old, 5lbs, Blue diamond blueberry merle, Produces chocolate & gold, chocolate merle, blueberry merle, gold dust, biewers, biro.

4yrs, 13lbs, KB midnight black, Produces KB midnight black, KB dark chocolate, KB milk chocolate, sables, gold dust, golden chocolates, merles.

2yrs, 5lbs, KB black sable, Produces KB midnight black, KB black sable, chocolate, chocolate & gold, traditional.

6yrs, 5.5lbs, Blue merle, Produce black & gold, gold dust, chocolate & gold, traditional.

7yrs, 5.5lbs, White & gold, Produce chocolate & gold, white black & gold, white blue gold, white chocolate & gold, white & gold or solid gold.

7yrs, 5.5lbs, Chocolate & gold, Produce chocolate & gold, traditional, gold dust, golden chocolate.

4yrs, 4lbs, Dark chocolate, Produces dark chocolate & gold, dark chocolate biro, milk chocolate & gold, white black & gold, gold dust & traditional.

4yrs, 6lbs, Dark chocolate tweed, Produces all chocolates with/without merle, biros, milk chocolate & gold, traditional, gold dust.

Sasha Mamachi
1yr, 5lbs, Traditional blue steel & tan, Produce biewer, gold dust, traditional, chocolate.

Diamond Princess
5yrs, 8lbs, Blue Merle Blue diamond, Produces chocolate, biewers, KB solid black and chocolate, blueberry merle ,chocolate berry merle.

3 yrs, 4lbs, Traditional blue steel & tan, Produces all chocolate & gold dust, white black & gold, sable, teddy bear face.

3yrs, 13lbs, Blue diamond blueberry merle, Produces biewers, blueberry merle, traditionals.
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